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From Ruck to Reality: Dispelling Common Myths About Rugby

Many people tend to have a preconceived view of rugby. Of course, these views may contain a grain of truth, but in most cases, they’re simply myths. Rugby, like any sport, has its share of misconceptions.

Let’s debunk these myths.

You Have To Be Well-Built

Many people believe that rugby players have to be bulky and well-built. While this narrative may have been true in the past, it’s no longer a one-size approach.

Unlike other sports, rugby is dynamic and requires unique skills like (a) jumping, which is crucial for lineouts and kick-offs, (b) catching, which is essential for receiving kicks and passes, (c) passing, which is a fundamental skill for moving the ball, (d) tackling, which is a key defensive skill and speed variation, which is important for changing the pace of the game.

Different positions in rugby can accommodate small and well-built players. So, the notion that every rugby player has to be well-built and bulky is a myth since rugby is for all sizes.

If you want proof, you can go to FanDuel’s sportsbook and check out the players for each rugby team. You can see that bulkiness isn’t a requirement for professional teams, but the skills are what matters.

This is also evidenced in rugby 7s where faster and smaller players can sometimes have a big advantage over the classical perceived builds.

It’s a Male Sport

Women’s players may hear this on occasion, but this is a myth. Rugby is a sport for all genders, and the investment in women’s teams would soon reap rewards.

As discussed above, if a woman has the skills needed to play , then naturally, they can also play. The women’s game is going from strength to strength filling out stadiums around the world. The recent Red Roses matches sold out stadiums with 70,000 attendees.

Players Use Steroids

The narrative that players use steroids is not just limited to rugby players.

Whenever a skinny player gets bulked up after six months or a season, many would presume that it’s because of steroids. If a rugby player dies of health complications or natural causes, then the reason would be steroids again. Many start having this misconception because they misunderstand the concept of supplements and steroids.

It’s important to differentiate supplements from steroids to understand how this happens. Supplements are a mixture of natural ingredients and nutrients that aim to increase specific compound levels in your body. Usually, these compounds are strength, muscle growth, endurance, power, and even energy.

This usually isn’t attained by mere food consumption since you would have to eat lots to get the same results from supplements and also due to the high performance. On the other hand, steroids are artificial variants of a masculine type hormone, testosterone.

Steroids are typically intended to treat medical conditions. However, it has been prone to abuse over time. As such, steroids are banned in rugby for numerous obvious reasons, the most notable one being that it creates an unfair play advantage. Remember that professional players are constantly tested for their use, even for other sports.

It’s a Rough and Risky Game

Many believe that rugby is rough and risky, and the high number of injuries helps push this misconception. What you should understand is that rugby is a contact sport. This means that a player would undergo a series of strength and conditioning training to ensure that the player has attained the physical capability to handle the pressures of rugby.

Before a player goes to a field, especially a professional game, they must undergo numerous preparations and understand the game. They must undergo training and a team strategy meeting to lessen injuries and win the game.
Rugby is a game that demands a lot, especially since it’s a contact sport. But rest assured, there are various rules and laws in place to ensure your safety on the field. Match administrators, medical personnel, match officials, coaches, and many more are there to ensure you are safe and well.

Rugby is a safe sport that is governed by a set of rules and laws to ensure safety.

Final Thoughts

Like any sport, rugby has its fair share of myths and misconceptions, including the perception of it being injury-prone. However, it’s important to remember that these are just misconceptions. Rigorous training and safety measures including the new tackle height Laws are in place to ensure a player’s well-being and skills before they step onto the field.

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