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Category Archives: Minis Rugby

Is the “let them play” mantra harmful to mini and youth rugby? Leave a comment Read more »

Is the “let them play” mantra harmful to mini and youth rugby?

Is the “let them play” mantra harmful to mini and youth rugby? Find out what needs to be done to avoid negative consequences resulting from the RFU’s change in rules.

Free Sponsorship Guide for Rugby Clubs Leave a comment Read more »

Free Sponsorship Guide for Rugby Clubs

If you speak to a committee member at any rugby club, they will tell you that money is tighter than ever and many clubs are now under significant financial strain. Clubs now need to look to other channels to increase their revenue stream and we…

Should Club's Close for the Season? Leave a comment Read more »

Should Club’s Close for the Season?

To close the season or not to close the season? At the playing window for rugby is drawing to a close many clubs will be looking at a closed season. Activity stops, the grass grows and the bars and club house fall silent for a…

Pocock Again Calls for Rugby Ban in Schools Leave a comment Read more »

Pocock Again Calls for Rugby Ban in Schools

Once again an article in one of the UK newspapers is suggesting that rugby should be banned in schools. These types of articles seem to be wheeled out on a semi-regular basis backed by a report of Professor Pollock, which focuses on rugby as the…

Kids First Rugby Explained: Why It is a Good Thing 1 Comment Read more »

Kids First Rugby Explained: Why It is a Good Thing

This article aims to describe some of the nuts and bolts of Kids First Rugby (“KFR”) and examine the reasons for the initiative having been put in place. The purpose of this is twofold: to make the issue more transparent for those of my readers…

Making Contact Rugby Safer: How to Tackle a Growing Issue Leave a comment Read more »

Making Contact Rugby Safer: How to Tackle a Growing Issue

The issue of tackling in rugby has been big news recently. We’ve seen a collective of 70 concerned health professionals and academics send an open letter to the UK Government calling for a ban on tackling in schools rugby. The UK Government has now confirmed…

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