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Author Archives: pwpadmin

5 of the Best Female Rugby Players of All Time Read more »

5 of the Best Female Rugby Players of All Time

Rugby has long been considered a sport dominated by men. The intense physicality and toughness required often lead to the belief that players need to possess traditionally “masculine” traits. Many people still hold onto the idea that rugby is a man’s game, and women who…

From Ruck to Reality: Dispelling Common Myths About Rugby Read more »

From Ruck to Reality: Dispelling Common Myths About Rugby

Many people tend to have a preconceived view of rugby. Of course, these views may contain a grain of truth, but in most cases, they’re simply myths. Rugby, like any sport, has its share of misconceptions. Let’s debunk these myths. You Have To Be Well-Built…

Top 5 Memorable and Iconic NRL Grand Finals Read more »

Top 5 Memorable and Iconic NRL Grand Finals

The National Rugby League is a professional rugby league competition in Australasia which contains clubs from New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and New Zealand. The NRL grand finals bring together the best teams, the most passionate fans, and the highest stakes…

7 Best Rugby World Cup Moments Read more »

7 Best Rugby World Cup Moments

The Rugby World Cup, a pinnacle of international rugby union tournaments, has consistently delivered unforgettable moments that have captivated fans worldwide. From jaw-dropping tries to heart-stopping matches, each tournament writes a new chapter in rugby history. This article revisits eight of the most memorable moments…

Top Five of NRL's Most Celebrated Players Read more »

Top Five of NRL’s Most Celebrated Players

We don’t often cover Rugby League on FindRugbyNow, but the National Rugby League (NRL) is one of Australia’s most followed sports events, broadcasted through major television stations and streaming platforms in the region. The league was founded 25 years ago, in 1998. It is composed…

Rugby Tour Abroad During COVID Pandemic? Read more »

Rugby Tour Abroad During COVID Pandemic?

Covid restrictions and varying country entry requirements mean that holidays and tours abroad have required extra preparation, however, travel is very much possible, and a team rugby tour is something to aim for in 2022! Pre-season, mid-season and post-season, team tours are an established part…

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