In this series of blogs, I would like to introduce coaches and athletes to a concept that aims to develop players through skills gained and applied outside the usual training and competition environment. The idea is that coaches and athletes should emphasise a stronger requirement…
Gavin Henson, Ben Cohen, Matt Dawson, Austin Healey and Martin Offiah have all done it on “Strictly Come Dancing”. Although rugby and dance don’t normally get lumped together in the same conversation, the benefits of using dance to keep fit off the field far out…
Welcome to the first article of my new rugby fitness blog! In this article, which is part I of a two-part series, I am going to cover a topic which will benefit any rugby player: speed training. There are many gimmicks out there that claim…
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to my Fitness Blog. For those of you who are playing rugby, but for whatever reason don’t have someone to coach you in the gym or write out your training plan and you struggle with…
This entry is mainly to address a question I am often asked: “How can I fit it all in? How can I train, eat well, work and look after my family?” I’m definitely not SuperMum. I have a degree of help – I’m fortunate that…
I’d like to start by simply stating how grateful I am to have the opportunity to write for FRN. I feel slightly overwhelmed that nutritionists, rugby coach specialists, and amazing athletes are writing on here, and then soon there will be….me?! I do not have…
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